Balthus Unfinished

August 31 - September 9, 2018
Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, Switzerland
Since the death of Balthazar Klossowski de Rola, better known as Balthus, in 2001, the studio he had set up opposite the Grand Chalet de Rossinière has been preserved in the state it was left in: scarcely touched sketches and painting utensils, as well as a number of unfinished works. In this exhibition, a part of this unique collection is visible to the public: 18 drawings, from unfinished paintings, studies, to his masterpiece Passage du Commerce-Saint-André (1952-1954) are on display in a building that is unfinished—under construction—itself. In this context, visitors can immerse themselves in a staging designed by Robert Wilson, where the alchemy between the works, the building's construction site, light and soundscape make for an unexpected experience.
Exhibition Concept and Design: Robert Wilson - Co-Design: Christophe Martin