"A Boy From Texas" - NY opening today - Bird and Fox still up in Houston

Some of the unique glass sculptures that Robert Wilson designed and developed in 2019 with the Corning Museum of Glass will be on display at Cristina Grajales Gallery in Tribeca, opening today, until September 9. The installation in blown and cast glass reflects on nature, fragility, and rebirth, in memory of Wilson’s childhood in Texas, as well as his early theater works and installations developed in rural America.

A Boy From Texas - Cristina Grajales Gallery - from today through September 9, 2022

In April this year, when Robert Wilson’s Turandot opened at Houston Grand Opera, the Josh Pazda & Hiram Butler Gallery presented a selection of his video portraits - among those the “Hermès by Nature” series that premièred during Here Elsewhere in 2016 -, drawings and other works. This exhibit will be on view until June 25 only.

A Bird and A Fox - JOSH PAZDA HIRAM BUTLER - until June 25, 2022

Detail from: Robert Wilson, Wouter (Cordon Bleu Finch), 2016; video portrait from the series Hermés by Nature

Check out all current and upcoming exhibitions of Robert Wilson’s works here.