6 hours TOWER OF BABEL online

The German radio “Hessischer Rundfunk” just published Robert Wilson’s radio play “TOWER OF BABEL” in an extended, 6-hour version. Listen to all 12 half-hour episodes online in the HR’s “audiotheque”: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/episode/tower-of-babel-ii-von-robert-wilson/robert-wilson-tower-of-babel-ii-1-12-oder-klangcollage/hr2-kultur/93543818

With the voices and talents of: Fiona Shaw, Inge Keller, Edith Clever, Christopher Knowles, Christopher Nell, Daniel Libeskind, Ilie Gheorghe, Traute Hoess, Daniel Hope (violin), Stefan Kurt, Jürgen Holtz, Robert Wilson, Lisa Genze, Jonathan Meese, Cécile Brune, Sarah Bernhardt, Ursula Ruppel, Lydia Koniordou, Lou Reed, Ishan Othman, Kinan Azmeh (clarinet), Dickie Landry (saxophone), Christina Drechsler, Angela Winkler, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Willem Dafoe, Brigitte Meese, Lady Gaga, Anna Graenzer, Alexander Moissi, Isabelle Huppert, Gertrude Stein, Markus Hilgert, Rosa Enskat, Christian Friedel, Ezra Pound, Robson Catalunha, Tom Waits, Ruth Glöss, Thomas Holtzmann, Alan Cumming, Liesl Karlstadt, Karl Valentin, Nikitas Tsakiroglou, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Harry Nilsson